
Impressum and Terms of Use


  1. The present Website (hereinafter: ”Website”) is maintained by Computer Center Europe Kft. (head office: 1111 Budapest, Lágymányosi utca 12. fszt. 2.; company registration number: 01-09-341321; emmail:; hereinafter: "Operator"). Services connected to the website are provided by the Operator.

    Anyone visiting the website and using its services is considered as a User. People who are not registered on the Website and does not use the services are also acknowledged as Users.
  2. The Website, presenting the Operator’s activities and services, is operated by the Operator.
  3. Unless proven otherwise, the Operator reserves the right to the database and other intellectual properties published on the Website, especially but not exclusively intellectual works, databases, search results, applied programs and codes, published data, trademarks and patent protected creations. Intellectual properties can be used exclusively by following the current applicable legislation. The user is under no circumstances entitled to copy, replicate, exploit, utilize, modify, rework or publish these intellectual properties.

    It is specifically forbidden to download intellectual properties from the Website, as well as their reproduction. It is also forbidden to use them in any publication, presentation, or to have a public or commercial conversation with a third party in connection to these intellectual properties. Intellectual properties shall not be used for activities that generate income or aim to obtain other economic or non-economic, business or commercial benefits. These activities can only be performed lawfully with the approval of the Operator.
  4. In case of the data on the Website violates anyone's rights or legitimate interests, storage or deletion of the data can be requested from the Operator. The Operator shall consider every complaint.
  5. The validity of the present Terms of Use (hereinafter: “Terms”) only applies to the Website. In the absence of any contrary stipulation, the validity of the Terms does not cover services and data management connected to commercial activities, promotions, giveaways, services and other campaigns by third parties advertising or using the Website in any other way. In the absence of any contrary stipulation, the validity of the Terms does not cover the services and data management of websites and other entities referenced on the Website.

    The Operator reserves the right to modify the Terms. The modification and its entry into force does not require the consent of the users. The modifications are deemed valid from the publication of the Terms.

    The Operator is entitled to entirely or partially change the Website, as well as to delete or upload content and to temporarily or permanently terminate or suspend access to the Website, without the consent or notification of the users.
  6. The user only uses the Website on their own responsibility. The Operation does not take any responsibility for the damage or discomfort of the user caused by the use of the site without adequate information. The user shall only publish or give access to their data on their own responsibility. In protection of their own given data, the user is obliged to act carefully.
  7. The Operator agrees to take every reasonable action in order to provide uninterrupted and continuous service. The Operator does not guarantee the integrity of the service, and cannot be held responsible for the suspension or abolition of the service. The Operator aims to avert any possible disturbance or operational problem, but they cannot be held responsible for said inconveniences. The Operator does not take responsibility for the behaviour of the users.
  8. The user is obliged to act in consideration with the rights and interests of others, while using the site. The user is obliged to respect the applied legislation, and shall restrain from any illegal activity or the violation of interests of others during the use of the site. Moreover, the user is obliged to respect the privacy of others, as well as their personal rights, and their rights to intellectual properties, especially restrictions connected to copyrighted literary, scientific and artistic works, inventions, designs, any patterns of use and trademarks.

    The user is obliged to refrain from conducting any misdemeanour or crime, as well as from the use of obscene or vulgar language, or any other expression that can be deemed controversial by others. Every user is obliged to refrain from any type of activity hindering the operation of the website.

    The user is obliged to refrain from any type of activity that violates the interests of the Operator. These prohibited activities include, in particular:
    • Disturbing and hindering the operation and access to the Website;
    • Engaging in activities in pursuit of acquiring and using the Operator’s trade secrets, and any information kept secret by the Operator;
    • Any type of communication containing incorrect information regarding the services;
    • Any type of activity compromising the IT safety of the website.
    • Any type of activity that aims to advertise services provided by the user or any other party.
    • Any type of communication or expression indicating that the user is the representative of the Operator, or that their notions are the equivalent of the Operator’s.
    • Any type of deceptive communication or expression regarding the identity of the user or the entities represented by the user (including other than natural persons).
    The user shall not transfer information published on the Website for payment, and shall not trade with said information.
  9. The Operator’s system automatically records the IP address of the user, as well as the start date of the visit and, depending on the settings of the computer, the types of the browser and the operating system. The geographical location defined by the IP address is also recorded. The recorded data cannot be connected to any other private data. Data management is exclusively used for statistical purposes.


